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What Are the 6 Pillars of Leadership?

What Are the 6 Pillars of Leadership?

What are the 6 pillars of leadership? Effective leadership is crucial for any organization to succeed. While there are numerous leadership styles and approaches, there are six core pillars that form the foundation of effective leadership.

These pillars are purpose, vision, culture, delegation, integrity, and resilience. As a leader, understanding these pillars and how to incorporate them into your leadership style can not only help you achieve your goals but also inspire and develop your team to reach their full potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • The 6 pillars of leadership are purpose, vision, culture, delegation, integrity, and resilience.
  • Understanding and incorporating these pillars into your leadership style is crucial for achieving success and developing your team.


As a leader, defining your purpose is crucial for success. Your purpose establishes your direction and guides decision-making, while inspiring others to follow your lead. When you have a clear purpose, you can prioritize actions that align with your goals and values, rather than being sidetracked by distractions or competing priorities.

Your purpose should be a reflection of your personal and professional aspirations, as well as the goals of your organization. By sharing your purpose with your team, you can create a sense of shared vision and direction. This leads to greater employee engagement and motivation to achieve common goals.


As a leader, having a clear vision is essential to guide your team towards success. A vision describes your aspirations for the future and provides direction for your team’s efforts. A vision statement should be concise and easy to understand so that everyone on your team can identify with it.

Creating a vision statement involves a combination of introspection and planning. You need to think about where you want your organization to be in the short and long term and what values your team embodies. Your vision should align with your organization’s mission statement, and it should be achievable in a reasonable timeframe.

Your vision should inspire your team and serve as a rallying point for them. When team members are aware of the organization’s goals and are aligned with the vision, they are more likely to work towards achieving them.

Creating a vision statement helps leaders focus on the big picture and filter out distractions, which can help them make better decisions.


As a leader, one of your key responsibilities is to create and nurture a positive and inclusive culture that inspires your team to perform at their best. A strong leadership culture fosters collaboration, innovation, and engagement, while also promoting transparency, accountability, and respect.

To build a strong leadership culture, it is important to lead by example, communicate your expectations clearly, and create opportunities for feedback and continuous improvement.

Encourage an open and honest dialogue, celebrate successes, and address conflicts promptly and constructively.

You can cultivate a strong leadership culture by:
1. Defining clear values and vision
2. Hiring and promoting based on cultural fit
3. Recognizing and rewarding positive behavior
4. Encouraging innovation and learning
5. Providing opportunities for personal and professional development
6. Emphasizing accountability and ownership

By focusing on building a strong leadership culture, you will create a work environment that empowers your team to achieve their goals, encourages creativity and innovation, and drives sustainable growth and success.


Delegation is a critical pillar of effective leadership. As a leader, you can’t do everything yourself, and delegating tasks and responsibilities is essential to the success of your team and organization.

When you delegate tasks, you empower your team members to take ownership and make decisions. This not only allows them to grow professionally, but it also frees up your time to focus on higher-level strategic priorities.

Benefits of effective delegation:
1. Promotes individual and team growth.
2. Increases productivity and efficiency.
3. Allows leaders to focus on strategic priorities.
4. Improves trust and collaboration within the team.

However, effective delegation requires trust, communication, and clarity. You need to trust your team members to complete tasks to a high standard, communicate expectations clearly, and provide support and feedback.

“Delegating tasks and responsibilities is not about giving up control, it’s about empowering your team and achieving better results.”

Effective delegation is a skill that takes time to develop, but it is crucial for achieving long-term success as a leader. By empowering your team members and focusing on strategic priorities, you can drive growth and achieve sustainable improvements.


Integrity is one of the six essential pillars of leadership that can make or break your reputation as a leader. It refers to your ability to adhere to ethical and moral principles even when no one is watching.

As a leader, integrity is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire organization, helping to build strong relationships based on trust and respect.

When you demonstrate integrity as a leader, you promote a culture of honesty and responsibility, which can have a positive impact on employee morale, customer satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

Your team members will look up to you as a role model and emulate your actions when faced with difficult ethical decisions.

Integrity is also essential for maintaining credibility as a leader. Your stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors, need to know that you are honest and transparent. This builds trust, which is critical to maintaining lasting business relationships.

“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Integrity is a vital leadership pillar that can help you inspire trust, promote ethical decision-making, and build a strong organizational culture. By demonstrating integrity consistently, you can establish yourself as a credible and effective leader that people would want to follow.


As a leader, you will face inevitable challenges and setbacks. This is where resilience becomes a critical component of effective leadership. Resilience is the ability to overcome adversity, adapt to change, and emerge stronger from difficult circumstances.

Developing resilience requires a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from failures. As you encounter obstacles, reflect on what went wrong, identify opportunities for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

This will help you build resilience and cultivate a sense of determination that will inspire your team.

Additionally, as a leader, it is important to support and encourage resilience in your team. Show empathy and understanding when team members face challenges, celebrate their successes, and acknowledge their efforts to overcome obstacles.

By doing so, you will foster a culture of resilience, and your team will be better equipped to handle future challenges.


Incorporating the 6 pillars of leadership into your leadership strategy can greatly enhance your effectiveness as a leader. By establishing a clear purpose and vision, building a positive and inclusive culture, delegating effectively, maintaining integrity, and developing resilience, you can inspire and motivate your team while achieving sustainable improvements in organizational performance.

Remember that leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it requires ongoing effort and development. Continually assess your leadership style and identify areas for improvement to ensure that you are maximizing your potential as a leader.

Incorporating the 6 pillars of leadership into your leadership strategy can help you build stronger relationships with your team, increase engagement and productivity, and establish trust with stakeholders. Implement these pillars in your leadership style today to become a more effective and successful leader.

FAQ For What Are The 6 Pillars of Leadership?

Q: What are the 6 Pillars of Leadership?

A: The 6 pillars of leadership are purpose, vision, culture, delegation, integrity, and resilience.

Q: Why is purpose important in leadership?

A: Purpose is important in leadership as it guides decision-making, inspires others, and drives success.

Q: What is the role of vision in leadership?

A: Vision helps leaders set a clear direction, motivate their team, and achieve long-term goals.

Q: How does leadership culture impact an organization?

A: Leadership culture, when positive and inclusive, fosters collaboration, engagement, and high performance.

Q: Why is delegation important in leadership?

A: Delegation empowers team members, promotes growth, and allows leaders to focus on strategic priorities.

Q: What is the significance of integrity in leadership?

A: Integrity in leadership includes ethical decision-making, trust-building, and maintaining credibility.

Q: Why is resilience important in leadership?

A: Resilience in leadership enables leaders to navigate challenges, adapt to change, and inspire resilience in others.