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What Are Some Examples of Leaders Who Use a Collaborative Leadership Style?

What Are Some Examples of Leaders Who Use a Collaborative Leadership Style?

Leaders who use a collaborative leadership style prioritize cooperation, shared decision-making, and inclusivity. It involves empowering employees, fostering a sense of ownership, and encouraging teamwork.

By studying leaders who have successfully implemented collaborative leadership, we can gain insights into its benefits and learn how to apply it in our own organizations.

Examples of leaders who use a collaborative leadership style abound. Below, we will explore prominent leaders Howard Schultz, Sheryl Sandberg, Ken Chenault, and Anne Mulcahy, who have effectively employed a collaborative leadership style in their respective organizations.

Through their experiences, we can understand the power of working together towards shared goals, valuing diverse perspectives, and fostering a positive organizational culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Collaborative leadership case studies show that it prioritizes cooperation, shared decision-making, and inclusivity
  • Successful collaborative leaders like Howard Schultz, Sheryl Sandberg, Ken Chenault, and Anne Mulcahy have effectively implemented a collaborative leadership style, resulting in successful organizations
  • Collaborative leadership is trust building. It creates a culture of teamwork, empowers employees, values diverse perspectives, and fosters a positive organizational culture

Howard Schultz, Starbucks

Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, is an exemplary model of a leader who uses a collaborative leadership style in practice. His leadership approach focused on fostering a sense of ownership and teamwork among employees, encouraging them to contribute their ideas and perspectives. Schultz believed in actively seeking input from his employees and involved them in decision-making processes.

His collaborative leadership style resulted in a strong organizational culture and employee engagement, leading to the success and growth of Starbucks over the years. Schultz created an environment where employees felt valued and heard, which contributed to their job satisfaction and motivation.

Sheryl Sandberg, META COO

Sheryl Sandberg, the former META COO, is recognized for her collaborative leadership style, which emphasizes inclusive management, open communication, and shared goals. Sandberg encourages her team members to voice their opinions, engage in healthy debates, and work collaboratively towards achieving common objectives. By creating a culture of open communication and shared goals, Sandberg fosters innovation and teamwork.

Sandberg’s leadership approach at Facebook involves cross-functional teams that work together to solve problems and create new products. She encourages her employees to learn from one another and ensures that everyone has a voice. This approach to leadership has helped create a culture of innovation at Facebook, which has resulted in the company’s continued success.

In addition to promoting open communication, Sandberg also prioritizes empathy in leadership. She understands the importance of valuing the input of her team members and creating a supportive work environment. This collaborative approach has led to a positive organizational culture and high levels of employee engagement at Facebook.

By adopting a collaborative leadership style, Sandberg has created a workplace that is conducive to innovation, teamwork, and inclusivity. Her approach to leadership at Facebook demonstrates the power of open communication, shared goals, and diverse perspectives in driving organizational success.

Ken Chenault, American Express

Ken Chenault, the former CEO and Chairman of American Express from 2001 until 2018, is recognized as a collaborative leader who emphasized cross-functional teams and trust-building. He believed in breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration across different departments and functions within American Express.

This approach enabled employees to work collaboratively towards shared goals and enhanced organizational efficiency and innovation.

Chenault also prioritized empathy in leadership, emphasizing the importance of understanding and support. He believed that leaders should actively listen to their employees, be responsive to their needs, and communicate openly and honestly. This in turn fostered a positive organizational culture that valued employee well-being and engagement.

To implement his collaborative leadership style, Chenault recognized the importance of building trust among team members.

He believed that trust was a vital component of successful collaboration, and that leaders must work to earn the trust of their team members in order to build effective cross-functional teams. Chenault fostered trust-building through open communication, transparency, and inclusion, which was essential for the success of American Express.

Anne Mulcahy, Xerox

Anne Mulcahy, the former the former chairperson and CEO of Xerox Corporation, is known for her collaborative leadership style that focuses on the decision-making process and servant leadership.

Mulcahy empowered her employees by involving them in important decision-making discussions, valuing their input and expertise. She prioritized inclusive decision-making, making sure to include employees from different departments and levels of seniority in the process.

Her approach fostered a sense of ownership among employees, motivating them to take responsibility for the company’s success.

In addition to decision-making, Mulcahy also adopted a servant leadership approach, prioritizing the needs of her team members. She believed that leaders should serve their employees, not the other way around. Mulcahy’s leadership style was characterized by empathy, listening, and understanding, which led to a more inclusive and supportive organizational culture.

The impact of Mulcahy’s collaborative leadership style was significant for Xerox. Under her leadership, the company was able to turn around its declining performance and improve employee satisfaction.

Mulcahy’s approach also contributed to an innovative culture at Xerox, with employees feeling comfortable to express their ideas and perspectives.

The Impact of Collaborative Leadership

Leaders who use collaborative leadership style behaviors promote teamwork, foster employee engagement, and create a culture of collaboration and innovation.

One of the key benefits of collaborative leadership is the encouragement of diverse perspectives. By valuing and including input and ideas from team members with different backgrounds and experiences, leaders can improve problem-solving and decision-making outcomes.

Teams that work collaboratively are more likely to identify and address potential issues, leading to more effective solutions.

Collaborative leadership also prioritizes open communication and trust-building. By creating a culture of transparency and inclusivity, leaders can promote employee engagement and higher levels of job satisfaction.

When employees feel that their opinions and contributions are valued and heard, they are more likely to be invested in the success of the organization.

Effective collaborative leadership also fosters a positive organizational culture. By prioritizing shared goals and values, leaders can create a sense of purpose and direction for their teams. This can lead to a more cohesive and motivated workforce, driving productivity, and innovation.

Collaborative leadership also empowers employees by giving them a sense of ownership and accountability. Leaders who prioritize teamwork encourage employees to take initiative and contribute their ideas and perspectives. This approach not only benefits individual employees but also the organization as a whole.

Finally, collaborative leadership is an adaptable leadership style that can be tailored to fit the needs of any organization.


Leaders who use a collaborative leadership style are using an effective and powerful strategy that can drive success in any organization.

Collaborative leadership in action has been demonstrated by leaders like Howard Schultz, Sheryl Sandberg, Ken Chenault, and Anne Mulcahy.

Their examples have shown the effectiveness of a collaborative leadership style, which emphasizes teamwork, open communication, trust-building, and inclusive decision-making.

Through their leadership, these individuals have created positive organizational cultures, driven innovation, and enhanced employee engagement.

FAQ For What Are Some Examples of Leaders Who Use a Collaborative Leadership Style?

Q: What is collaborative leadership?

A: Collaborative leadership is a leadership style that emphasizes cooperation, shared decision-making, and inclusive management. It involves actively involving team members in the decision-making process and encouraging open communication and collaboration.

Q: Why is collaborative leadership important?

A: Collaborative leadership is important because it promotes teamwork, employee engagement, and innovation. It creates a positive organizational culture and encourages diverse perspectives, leading to better problem-solving and decision outcomes.

Q: How does collaborative leadership benefit organizations?

A: Collaborative leadership benefits organizations by fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. It enhances employee satisfaction, productivity, and job performance. It also creates a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Q: Can any leader adopt a collaborative leadership style?

A: Yes, any leader can adopt a collaborative leadership style. It requires a willingness to involve team members in decision-making, prioritize open communication, and build trust. Collaborative leadership can be learned and developed through practice and a commitment to creating a collaborative work environment.

Q: Are there any challenges to implementing collaborative leadership?

A: Yes, implementing collaborative leadership can present challenges. It requires a shift in leadership mindset and the ability to manage conflicts and diverse perspectives. Building trust and ensuring effective communication across teams can also be challenging. However, the benefits of collaborative leadership outweigh these challenges.

Q: Are there different approaches to collaborative leadership?

A: Yes, there are different approaches to collaborative leadership. Some leaders may focus on fostering teamwork and employee engagement, while others may emphasize inclusive decision-making and cross-functional collaboration. The specific approach may vary depending on the organization and its goals.